Thursday, September 15, 2016

Griik steeled himself, commanding his every being's fiber to stay the course and remain calm.

Griik steeled himself, commanding his every being's fiber to stay the course and remain calm. He knew what was to come, he knew what had been foretold. Before the book was even obtained, something in the back of his black mind had whispered to him,

"In this thing, you shall find all that ye seek."

Griik knew that even before the arduous journey to retrieve the book had begun, that if it only could be found, if it only could be retrieved, that so much would fall into place. Griik knew that all of the lives that had been lost along the road to the books location, each was worth the cost. He knew that all of his efforts, his incessant whispers and implied feints and veiled goads, each were would pay returns once the book was found.

Griik believed, with all of his lost and damned soul, that the book was worth every drop of blood that had been shed--justly or no--to retrieve it. It was worth all the lies. It was worth all the pain. It was worth all the suffering. Now, that the book was before him, Griik knew that it only had to be read, and all would be made known.

For Griik believed that in this book lay one of the truenames of one of his--and his Fell Lord's--most dire and deadly enemies. Once he had that name, his accursed sentence could be ended and he could have his vengeance. So now, Griik had but to wait, and remain calm.

Griik knew that only moments lay between him and freedom...and blood...and revenge.

Now, Griik knew that if only his "master", the human fool to which he was bound, would hurry and turn to the right page, then all would be made right in the world.

Art Source: "What Do We Have Here" (c)/by Nord-Sol
Story and Characters: (c)/by Brannon Hollingsworth

#MMWW, #Makes, #Me, #Wanna, #Write, #BrannonHollingsworth, #Fantasy, #Notwhatyouexpected, #Keepyourenemiescloser


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