Thursday, June 9, 2016

Hurry...hurry...hurry....must be done a'for he returny....

Hurry...hurry...hurry....must be done a'for he returny....

What was the formulae again? How did the spell begin? Oh, it is so hard to remember when your brain starts getting limber. So hard to think when you're losing all your zinc and when the sprouts they start a'sprouting and the shouts start all a'shouting.

Was it this old book or that new book where the secret words were hid? I cannot remember what my Master did!

Was it salt, was it lime? Why can't I remember all the time? I guess it's just your lot in life when your fate is fork and knife! Did he draw a circle or a square...was it drawn on dirt or air? Oh, this is such a nightmare - all I want is what is mine!

Wait, I think I see it here - this bag, it's hide of deer. Yes, it says it very clear... Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! I hear the footsteps oh-so-clear.

I must quickly cast the spell and I so hope I do it well. Chant the words and hope they're swell if my death I am to quell! The magic happens, I can tell and the life within me begins to swell.

Inside me, somethings moving like a flood. Like sloshing mud is my life's blood. Let me tell you its some crud to be a heartless construct spud...

Art Source: "zoweew" (c)/by herrou
Derivative work by Brannon Hollingsworth

#MMWW, #Makes, #Me, #Wanna, #Write, #BrannonHollingsworth, #funny, #poem, #versestory, #spud #magic, #spell, #familiar, #construct


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